Most of my work is done out of our house. I have a lovely office that we set up upstairs in the Bear Room. This is the most remote bedroom, and at the back of the house so also the quietest. Thanks to convective flow it is also the warmest room in the winter time, which suits my typing fingers well.
Despite this lovely office I tend to do about a third of my biz stuff, my blogging, e-mail, travel plans and almost all of our personal bills downstairs sitting on the little couch using my laptop (wifi). The problem is the coffee table in front of said little couch. It has become a toxic waste dump. Collecting mail, bills, to do lists, yesterday’s coffee mugs, junk mail, brochures, files… you get the idea. A secretary would help us organize and maybe pull a little double duty being a maid that will help to keep the coffee table clear. Where do you go to find one?? There were a couple of places I could think of, but I knew they may or may not have what we were looking for. We went to do a little investigating.
The first place we stopped at had one that was a little too wide. She just wouldn’t fit. I know looks aren't everything, but she was just too big! So we kept on looking. We found a homely little secretary but her spindly legs probably couldn’t hold all the paperwork, and books I would be burdening her with. We went to a place that had great offerings, but it was pricey! We found a secretary that was just right. She was a little older and had a familiar charm. She was the most expensive by almost double! So we considered very carefully. She had great organizational ability, and could be trusted with items that need to be kept safe. To be truthful she was a little darker than I would have liked- I wasn't sure she'd fit the mood, and she was missing part of her left arm. So, we agreed to look a little more the next day and if we didn’t find anything else she would be the one.
The next day we headed out again. I had three places that I wanted to check out. The first place we went to I had driven past for years but never gave a second thought to. We walked in and Art got a big smile on his face and pointed behind me. There she was! Just like that. She was beautiful. She exuded organizational expertise. She looked just like the one at the expensive place, but she had her arm intact. The best part was that she was less than half the price. She is a great fit for us.
I proudly present-
Our Secretary-
Oooooooooh!!! Lovely secretary, Shannon! We've got one almost the same, though I could clean her up a little and give her more TLC.
Totally not what I had in mind when I read the title for your post! I was envisioning some young, fresh out of school receptionist type gal being hired by you! I think I watch too many movies...
I thought I was being clever. Hubby just gave me that, 'Seriously. You think that's funny??' look.
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