Fifteen years later I do enjoy a good read. I am not much for stretching out in the middle of the day to read, but if we are on vacation, and each night before I go to sleep, I read.
I am not a fast reader. I FINALLY finished Atlas Shrugged after nearly three years. Granted I took about a five month break after the first 150 pages or so and it is a BIG book, but still... I finished. I have begun to tackle Sun Tzu's Art of War. I thought Atlas was heady! HA! In between, and definitely on trips, I enjoy more frivilous books. Two of my favorite authors are Nelson Demille and Clive Cussler. I just love Dirk Pitt. Dennis Lehane's early books were pretty good, too. My favorite book of all time is A Prayer for Owen Meany. I must have read it fifty times. The pages are separating from the binding and the cover is long gone, but I just love it!
Hubby has an even bigger love of books. He can devour a book in a week. He'd read two or more if he were able to take the time!
So we frequent the used book sections, and used book stores for updated reads. Airport bookstores are a frequent purchase point. This is a little pricey so we have been working on alternatives!
We tried to swap books among the family, but we have not been as consistent as we like. So, I was thrilled when I stumbled upon Harvest Lane's blog with the Paperback Swap! I signed up immediately and quickly found books to post that have been relinquished to the back of the bookshelf.
If you think this might be for you please visit http://www.paperbackswap.com/ to sign up. No cost! Yay! My e-mail addy is sk07nh@yahoo.com for the referral if you would please :)
Happy Reading!
Hello Miss Shannon!
I'm so pleased to meet you. I hope we'll become friends. It always amazes me how we can "talk" with ladies all over the country and the world through our blogs.
Thank you so much for using my name as your referrer at Paperback Swap. I think you're going to love it. I've taken part for a couple of years now and have traded around 200 books!
Thanks so much for sharing my blog with your readers. Now, I'm going to go read some more of your writings!
God bless you and keep you safe!
A swap? How neat! I have a bunch of Patricia Cornwell books... (I love a good mystery!)
I would love to find them a new home!
Laura- Thanks for popping by! I do love the people I have met through 'blogdom'! I have ordered my first book and hubby can't wait to get home to pick his first out.
Paula- I had never read Patricia Cornwell, so you inspired me to pick one of her books as my first Swap book! Thanks~
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