26 January 2009

Ski Widow

This week I am feeling the full effects of being a ski widow.

Yay! for hubby to get out there in the subzero temps and get some exercise but boy do I miss him!
Good for Art.

He did ski patrol last Friday, today he is up at Canon with some friends, Wednesday and Thursday he will be up at Crotched.

All of this to warm up for his big "ski birthday" next week.

Although it will probably be a lot more cross country next week so I can go, too.
It has been an awesome year for skiing up here in New England. We have had consistent snow a couple of times a week down here, and I imagine even moreso as you go North. It has been a good winter. Not a lot of melting or warm ups, and even though we had a rocky start with a few ice storms we seem to be out of that and into the white fluffy powdery snow. I would prefer the sub-zero era to hurry up and end already, but at twenty it is really very pretty and I love being out there. Next week I am praying for a warm up (to at least the teens! if not the twenties) so we can get in a lot of skating, cross country, and snow shoeing. Art will do his FREE ski day at Wildcat, of course! I will surely spend that day shopping or at the spa :-)

I used to ski EVERY weekend when I was little. Well, probably not every weekend, but it sure felt like it! We lived in Utah and Colorado and I think my parents thought it was a pre-requisite for living there or something...
But, the whole slip down the hill on two long sticks with wind and snow in your face was never fun for me. Not to mention the falling! I did that very well! I would snow-plow from one side to the other all the way down the hill. I have learned through Art's patrolling that now kids just pretend they are sick or hurt something to get out of skiing! Why didn't I ever think of that?!?LOL! I think I'll stick to snow shoeing if you don't mind!


Sue said...

I get chills just looking at that picture. I'm a mess today because the sun isn't shining here!! I love how your husband is standing in a cute pose...No wonder you miss him...Have a good week. Sue.

Jan said...

Now there are two winter activities I could really get into: spa and shopping.

Shannon said...

You might be on to something there! I think those are now my two favorite 'winter' activities ;)

nikkicrumpet said...

skiing is all well and good...when it's in Utah and the sun is shining up on the mountain top. But here in New England it is so FREAKING COLD...I can't even imagine the wind in my face on a day like today!

Shannon said...

I agree today was terribly cold and dry! I would not want to have any breeze on me at all! He has windburn on his cheeks and nose. He says he had a great time though- Yikes!

Becky said...

This reminds me, I have never been skiing but my brother in law has lately been trying to convince me to go out. I'm not a big fan of the cold though... Could be fun, but I'd rather do things in a warm environment.

EXSENO said...

I think I would kill myself on a pair of ski's and I can't ice skate either. I tried ice skating but my weak ankles made my legs look like they were made of rubber.
I can't even roller blade, the best I can do is roller skating on a sidewalk. lol Pitiful isn't it.

Lisa Pogue said...

It looks like so much fun, but I'm a chicken. I'd love to do the snow shoe trek though. Do they rent big sleds and give you a push anywhere?

Shannon said...

I would love it if my mal would pull a sled, but he would rather sit on it himself ;) Snowshoeing could be my new favorite. I love ice skating, but am terrible. I like to cross country, but I am out of shape and don't do it enough. So, snowshoeing it is!!