The Buffs- (Buff Orpingtons) Abbie and Bobbie. Abbie seems to be the boss. They are the biggest chicks and both fairly sweet.
Dorrie (blonde) and Corrie (tan) Aracaunas- The mutt of chickens. aka- Easter Eggers since they lay blue and/or green eggs. Smaller and very sweet chicks. Corrie is my little snuggler.
Ellie and Frannie- Silver Laced Wyandottes. Big strong girls with attitude. Love to peep loudly if you pick them up.
Black Australorps. Ginnie and Hallie. Pretty docile, but big chickens (in the scaredy cat kind of way not sizewise). Polar tried to eat Ginnie on day one so he is not allowed in the chicken coop currently...
Things I have learned about having chicks:
Boy are they dumb! You have to teach them to eat, drink, sit on a perch...
Chicken is the right name. They are afraid of everything!
They like it hot! I don't need a sauna! Just spending time in the 95 degree coop "socializing" the girls is more than enough for me!
They are fun. Just like my other birds they have individual personalities and quirks and have a great social network amongst themselves.
I wish I could have chickens. I just love them! Meanwhile, I fulfill that longing by visiting blogs of those who do have them, and blog about them.
Sweet photos, Shannon! I can't wait until their little personalities start coming out...
you'll have a blast with them!
Awwww! What great photos! So cool that you have your own chickens. We have been thinking about getting some of our own. For the time being, we just get our eggs from Hubby's sister. We've got cattle and she's got chickens!
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